The archive hunters
What we do
Blatt & Bild offers a research service for academics, journalists, film makers or anyone with an interest in the two world wars.
We specialise in the interwar period, French Resistance and the German occupation of Europe, with a particular focus on the role women played during the Second World War.

What we can do for you
We have many years' experience in the German, French and British archives and can unearth the information you want.
Our experienced teams are dedicated to finding obscure, hidden treasures.
We are happy to search for whatever you need and will conduct extensive searches, through an array of files, that may not be obvious sources. If, for example, you want information about individual soldiers, specific military regiments, members of the French Resistance or victims of the holocaust, we can access the documents and help you evaluate the information they contain.
We will always verify our results and cite all our sources.
If you have a box of old letters, or folders of old documents, hand written in the old German style, we also have specialists who can transcribe and decipher them for you.

With detective instinct we sift through archives, libraries, film databases and picture agencies to find what you have been looking for.
We offer you a personal and confidential service, based on your requirements.
All enquiries are treated on an individual basis and with upmost confidentiality.